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A Two-Year Milestone. . .

Here's a close-up shot of Stollen's 1st (Princesse Waltraud's Own) Battery of Artillery in action during the recent Action at Pelznikkel. Of all the Stollenian units engaged that day, this unit acquitted itself well by all accounts. . . unlike the easily driven off allied dragoons and infantry along with the lethargic jaeger corps!

The Grand Duchy of Stollen blog is now just over two years old. While the kernel of ideas that have become the Grand Duchy of Stollen “classic wargaming” project can be traced back to December 2005, the continuing documentation of that project began right here on August 19, 2006. Australia’s own Greg Horne (the man behind the Duchy of Alzheim) had an article appear in an early issue of Battlegames that year, which inspired me to have a go at blogging about the hobby myself. And, two years later, here we are with 33,126 visits!

As a thank-you to all of the wonderful friends, acquaintances, and interested parties around the world, who have helped to make this blog (and, indeed, my wargaming experience) what it is, here is yet another picture taken earlier this month, during the Action at Pelzkikkel. This time, we see a full crew (according to the guidelines outlined in Charge!) of Revell plastic 1/72 artillery crew, manning two metal 25mm MiniFig cannon. KA-BOOM!!!


A J said…
Happy anniversary, Stokes! Here's to many more years of happy blogging.
Martin said…
Three Cheers for Stokes and the Duchy! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Andy Mitchell said…
Congratulations on meeting the 2 year milestone: not so very far to to Sittangbad now. But have you had any thoughts on beyond that?
Bluebear Jeff said…

Congratulations on the milestone . . . and I'm not at all surprised by the number of your visitors . . . after all, you have a very interesting and entertaining blog.

Keep it up.

-- Jeff
Capt Bill said…
Your site was one of the reasons I started my site. Congratulations and thanks for the inspiration...Bill
Fitz-Badger said…
I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pictures. This blog is one of the ones that got me started on my exploration of some ImagiNations of my own.

Thank you! :-)
andygamer said…
God bless and keep the Grand Duke! Hoch! Hoch! Hoch!
Der Alte Fritz said…
Happy anniversary Stokes. May there be many more years to come. I always enjoy stopping in for a visit.
Bloggerator said…
Congratulations Stokes on your excellent, always entertaining blog.

I like your gunners, but I bet the washer-women don't!


marinergrim said…
Two years - WOW!

I think I must have visited your site nearly every day in that time because it's that good.
old-tidders said…
Congratulations on your 2 years anniversery.

I like the artillery; the Minifig guns go very well with the Revell crew.

I too was started off by the Duchy of Alzheim.

-- Allan

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