Well, it’s been a few days, but things are back in action here in the Grand Duchy of Stollen, following a family reunion and memorial service for my maternal grandparents, which kept the Grand Duchess and I busy for several days last week and during the weekend. It was especially nice to see some more distant family members and the country where my grandfather grew up. Oddly, there was nothing sad about the occasion that brought us together. It was, rather, a joyous, happy, and humorous celebration on a number of different fronts. A very fitting way to end the summer I think.
I really enjoyed that pic... when I will be over on my current colonial run, I will gladly return to the developing affairs of Saxe-Pape-Cyssor!
I see, Stokes, that you teach writing, public speaking and research methods. Me, too. Is your book project in any of these areas? I'm currently finishing a book myself on what we refer to in my University as "study skills", covering these areas. I don't know if there's any potential points of contact or mutual support here, but if there is, email me...... (via Adderphue/Mendelstadt).
Best Regards,
Good luck with the project.
If you need reviewers of any drafts.....
Best Regards,