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Electorate of Zichenau Gets National Flag

Our contentious neighbor to the south, The Electorate of Zichenau, has unveiled its new national colors, which, observers report, fly today from virtually every flagpole and balcony in the Zichenauen capital, the lovely Rococo city of Hissig. Some suggest that the new colors are a prelude to an invasion of our own Grand Duchy of Stollen.

Indeed, our small expeditionary force, stationed along the north bank of the Lesser Zwischen River for the last few months, has issued reports, detailing the activities of white-coated Zichenauers on the southern side. A few low ranking officers, in command of detachments at certain key bridges have even noted tentative fraternization between their men and those of Zichenau during the evening hours. Tobacco, beer, and wine have been exchanged along with the occasional small talk and a joke or two, and this despite a marked difference in the two dialects of German spoken by the respective troops.

In the meantime, Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus II has been busily planning Stollenian political and military strategy with his ministers and generals for some weeks now. We reported previously that he seems to have abandoned his beloved lobster costume with two left-handed claws for a more conventional general’s uniform, consisting of a dark blue coat with white breeches and smallclothes, much like that worn by brother officers over the frontier in neighboring Prussia and across much of “Germany”.

Contrary to popular belief, several Stollenian generals report that our Grand Duke is an astute tactician with a reasonably thorough understanding of military practices. He is not, it would appear, the powder-headed fool that many would believe based on his behavior of the last several months. Given the continued developments across the Zwischen in the Electorate of Zichenau, Irwin-Amadeus II could possibly have the chance to prove his mettle on the field of Mars before long.

-- Katrina-Bettina von Heffelfinger, Die Krankenstadt Tageblat


abdul666 said…
Looks perfectly fitting for the aggressive / haughty character implied in your descriptions of Zichenauer behavior. And original, which is good.
Then,if I may, why does a Zichenauer regiment display a two-headed eagle on its flag?
Hi Jean-Louis,

Ah, you would have to ask that! Well, I simply like the double-headed eagle flag of the Baden-Durbach regiment. . . Let's say that the two-headed eagle is a relic of some obscure branch of the Zichenau dynasty. . . that is distantly related to the Hapsburgs of Austria, who, as you know, had the double-headed eagle as their symbol. How's that for a poor excuse? Enjoy the weekend!

Best Regards,

abdul666 said…
Not a poor excuse at all, vexillology & military tradition in general are full of such ' relic' oddities.
I just edited the illo on the latest post on the Monte-Cristan blog to add your new flag: I like it!
Fitz-Badger said…
Cool flag! As Jean-Louis said, seems to capture the feel of Zichenau very well.
Der Alte Fritz said…
So, is the Grand Duke a big fan of Shakesphere and is he doing a "Prince Hal" routine on the rest of the world, hoping to set Zichenau off its guard?

Spiffy flags, BTW.

Why 2 eagles? To keep an eye on both the Prussians and the Russians - one head for each direction.
Bluebear Jeff said…
Indeed, while the heraldry is a bit difficult, it is not incorrect since the eagle being checquey has both a color and metal (so it may be displayed on either).

I like it (although my wife hates the red/purple combination (even in flower beds).

-- Jeff
abdul666 said…
I'm sure that with purple & gold stripes your regimental flag will be perfect, and enough of a reminder of the national colors.
P.S.: do you really intend to *paint* such flags, or to print them from your computer? (In my gaming days my daughter commented mercilessly that I painted like a color-blind parkinsonian, hence my question..)
Hi Jean-LOuis,

I'll print out the flags from my computer and then carefully paint my colors over those already on the printed flag. It's a trick I remember reading years ago somewhere.

Best Regards,


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