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Science Fiction in the GDR

For Jeff Hudelson, the Duke of Saxe-Bearstein, and any others who might be curious, here is the cover of my wife's new book.

Earlier this afternoon, I tried to talk Sonja into into posing with the book herself, but she said, "Those guys just want to see if you landed yourself a babe!" Well, lack of a photo notwithstanding, I can assure anyone who may wonder that, yes, I did score a babe. She's simply amazing. Even better, she's quite tolerant of my model soldier hobby. She doesn't necessarily "understand" my fasciantion with military miniatures, but she accepts it.

Sonja even sat through a brief explanation of the Hessian flags I posted below. . . OK, she was rooting through a filing cabinet here in the office when I told her all about it, but at least she was polite enough to respond with, "Mmm-hmm" during my momentary lapse. ;-) Aren't wives great? All kidding aside, I really enjoy being married to Sonja!


Bluebear Jeff said…
I'm sure that the book would look much better with its author . . . but it's nice to see it anyway.

Thank you and congratulations to your bride once again.

-- Jeff
Anonymous said…
I agree with Jeff.

Still I'm sure that your good lady is only being modest and not wanting to outshine you on your blog!
WSTKS-FM Worldwide said…
Oh, she outshines me in many respects all right! ;-)


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