The current crop of wagons after some dry-brushing and washes with light gray to weather them a bit. C aptain's log. . . Stardate 30 July 2014. Summer is in full swing here in the Grand Duchy of Stollen as it no doubt is for many of you in the Northern Hemisphere. July has been delightfully unusual in our little part of the galaxy this year. With the exception of a day or two here and there, it has been unseasonably cool and green, something that is not typical for this time of the year in the midst of Central Illinois. Usually by this time, it is hot, dry, and the grass is uniformly brown most places. Hopefully, August and September will continue in a similar temperate and comfortable vein. Cross your fingers and toes! At the moment, I am listening online to Norwegian State Broadcasting (NRK), Program 1 out of Bergen on the west coast of Norway, a place where I spent a lot of time in a previous life about 15-20 years ago. The progr...