Strangely (for a guy), I really like old-fashioned Victorian and Edwardian greeting cards. Long-time visitors to the GDofS blog might recall that rather odd bit of personal information. Look what I found online this morning! A day early, yes, but I've got a few moments to myself for another mug of coffee before pie preparation (pumpkin and raspberry) begins in earnest along with a few other dishes for tomorrow and running the vacuum cleaner around the first floor to assist the Grand Duchess. Wait! I'm the one who usually swiffers and vacuums anyway. You know. One of those emasculated modern males. No matter. It gets the job done when it needs doing, so who cares which one of us wears the pants when it comes to domestic duties? Not me. In any case, please allow me to wish all American visitors to The Grand Duchy of Stollen blog, wherever in the world you might find yourselves, a very. . . Happy Thanksgiving!...