C hecking unit morale is a process that we try to keep fairly fluid and simple in A Tangled Mass . For us, it involves two steps, but readers are invited to streamline or change anything that does not quite mesh with their particular understanding of horse and musket warfare during the mid-18th century. Here is how the Young Master and I do it at present. Once a unit receives orders and is set into action, it gets a green bingo chip, which signifies that the unit is 'Following Orders, Steady, and Holding' (or 'Holding Steady and Following Orders' if you prefer). It may proceed and/or continue acting in accordance with player instructions, issued in our tabletop general guise. Players check unit morale at their discretion. At the very least, we suggest doing so after approximately 25-30% casualties have been suffered; before or after close combat; when surprised or shocked; attacked in flank or rear, etc. Use or modify this list as you see fit of c...