The field of battle, basically laid out, though I need to add a small river and mill run for the mill. S pent a pleasant few hours yesterday evening, after the usual post-dinner long walk around the neighborhood, applying acrylic gloss to some cavalry figures until about 10pm. I then thought it was time to set the table for the planned Action at Sägemühledorf , aka Sawmill Village. So, here is what we have minus a few forthcoming last-minute details. Since each side will have an element of light infantry added to its order of battle this time around, it made sense to have a slightly larger playing area available. What you see above is a 6'x8' surface covered with a single Hotz matt . Atop that are roads and fields, also by Eric Hotz . The trees are cake decorations that I've had since 2006, affixed to Litko terrain bases back in 2016 with The Young Master's help. The various houses were scratch-built at different times by yours truly. The mill...